Wednesday, 18 April 2012


Social Networking sites like Facebook have enhanced our planning as its enabled us to communicate with each other, other than at school. This could be on such matters like, ideas for production, scheduling or updating on personal progress.

Saturday, 31 March 2012

Age Group

Developing my research from film genre, I wanted to find out what age group people watch horror films.

Looking at this research I have found the age group of 10 – 30 is the most popular for watching horror films. This mainly consists of teenagers and young adults. When asking the people who watch this genre, in what environment do they watch these films?  The majority answered ‘with a group of friends at one of our houses’   

Wednesday, 21 March 2012

Character Profile- Sarah

Sarah is young, recently married to Alex and is an expecting mother. After being left alone by Alex she is brutally murdered. Sarah is defenseless but sweet character.  

Actress: Chloe Ostojak
AGE: 18
Height: 5ft 6ich

·         GCSE in Drama
·         A level in Drama and Media
·         Happy and Flexible
·         Ability to drive 
·         Innocent look to create a vulnerable character

Tuesday, 20 March 2012

Location- Begbroke Church

Begbroke Church

Begbroke Church is the perfect location for the attack in our opening sequence. The house located next to the church and is going to be the exterior shot, to establish where the couple live. The graveyard has ironic and appropriate connotations of death. 

·         House and church located next to each other
·         Located in same village as two members of the team so logistics is easy
·         Provides a lot of corners for our attacker to hide
·         Both the house and church have a rural, hidden and isolated setting
·         Naturally beautiful and homely feel to the scenery

·         Uncontrollable factors like weather can provide visual problems
·         Located near an airport so planes may fly above
·         Considering the public (especially in a graveyard)